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We manufacture a range of Vyon® porous plastic and Sinterflo® sintered metal solutions for wicking applications.

Our custom engineered wicking solutions effectively control liquid volume capacity and fluid transfer rates.


  • Bodily fluids
  • Inks transfer
  • Moving liquid to a collection point
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Drawing up a defined quantity of formula
  • Drawing fluids through a reed wick for a home air freshener system

Features and Benefits

  • Uniform porosity provides ideal wicking properties
  • Robust and rigid for ease of assembly
  • Manufactured from regulatory approved materials
  • Manufactured to tight tolerances with an excellent edge finish ensures an optimum fit into your device

For further information on Vyon ® porous plastics visit our sister company Vyon ® Porous Plastics: or contact

Vyon, Porvair
Sinterflo Media Porvair
Sinterflo Filter Elements Porvair

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Encuentre el especialista en el sector adecuado en Porvair Filtration Group


Números generales

Oficina central del Reino Unido: +44 (0)1489 864330
América: +1 804 550 1600
India: +91 22 2081 1148 / +91 75067 62682