General Numbers
UK Head Office: +44 (0)1489 864330
The Americas: +1 804 550 1600
India: +91 22 2081 1148 / +91 75067 62682
World Class Filtration Solutions
Porvair Filtration Group is active in a number of stages of the water treatment cycle. The stringent regulations relating to potable water demands a range of filtration and disinfection solutions to achieve the required solution.
Since the mid-1980s, Porvair has been manufacturing a range of products aimed at the municipal water market to address complex treatment challenges, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia protection, the reduction of particulates and turbidity, removal colour, taste and odour.
Porvair products have been designed specifically to achieve the highest performance levels in their application and comply with the latest EC Directives for Food Contact, FDA and USP Class VI Approval.
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What we've been doing
Where you can see us
Le Bourget, Paris, France
Related Resources
Marketing and Technical Documentation