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World Class
Filtration Solutions


We supply a comprehensive range of filter media, assemblies and filter elements for use within the Space Industry. Applications include:

  • Vehicle launch propulsion
  • Orbit-insertion
  • Station-keeping (attitude and environmental control)
  • Composite manufacture

Effective filtration and material compatibility is vital to ensure that all systems are free from contaminants. High performance is essential to meet and exceed expectations, guaranteeing safety, long service life, reliability and cost effectiveness in the most demanding of situations.  

Our unrivalled experience and extensive materials range ensures that we can supply a fully engineered solution for vehicle launch, control and manufacturing applications. 

We can custom engineer solutions for the most demanding applications using porous PTFE membrane, Sinterflo® F sintered metal fibre and Sinterflo® P sintered powder metal media and Vyon® porous plastics.

Core Competencies

  • Material selection and manufacturing

Our experience in separation and filtration materials, fluid/gas dynamics and manufacturing ensures fit-for purpose materials and fabricated products.

  •  Design and engineering

Our strength in design, engineering and prototyping enables us to provide the optimum bespoke solution to any application.

  • Project management

Our understanding of your regulatory requirements, deliverables and timescales means your product will meet market demand, placing you ahead of the competition.

  • Quality and reliability

Our high expectation for quality, coupled with our commitment to continuous improvement, ensures that our raw materials are carefully selected and our manufacturing processes are optimally controlled to cGMP standards.


Our core materials for Space applications are:

  •  Sinterflo® sintered porous metal materials

For flight applications sintered porous stainless steel, sintered metal fibre and multilayer stainless steel meshes. Available for OEM producers or as fabricated products/assemblies designed to meet specific performance requirements.

  •  Vyon® sintered porous plastic materials

For composite manufacture  sintered porous polyethylene and polypropylene materials. Produced in both sintered porous polyethylene and polypropylene, materials are available in roll, and sheet formats.

In Line and Last Chance Filters Porvair
Sinterflo Media Porvair
In Line and Last Chance Filters Porvair



